Hello friends,
I’ve been busy working on Beginning, next week’s online family stories workshop. As well as that I’m preparing for my Let’s Talk event at the Bathurst Writers’ and Readers’ festival this weekend. I went to university in this beautiful regional city and I also performed Lost in Shanghai there so I’m super excited to be going back. I love to see new and old audiences and have a good old chat about the power and problems of conversation in the 21st Century, the subject of my recent book Rebel Talk.
As there is only so much time in the week, my offering is the video I promised last week! I was so excited to see your responses and all the ways you continue to communicate using snail mail. If you want to go back and read the comments from that post, I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.
Comments are the Gogglebox equivalent of print. I love to read the slivers of stories people share both intended and unintended.
I’d love you to make a family story conversation starter kit as I suggest in the video! Here are some suggestions for what you could include in the kit:
a letter (like Pigeon-Posted, but you could make your own version or just keep it simple)
Instax or polaroid photos
A pretty box or envelope to hold everything in
Return addressed envelopes
Your questions cut into little strips and printed on colourful paper
If you are crafty, feel free to go nuts!
I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I’m thinking of signing up to Postcrossing which was one of the lovely suggestions in a comment by
. My friend Suzanne alerted me to the new French scratch’n sniff postage stamps.It’s the last week of May 2024 already. I wish you all excellent conversations and I’ll see you next week.
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